Feng Shui – An Alternative Income and Client Attraction Tool
Learning Feng Shui principles can increase your profits through additional expertise, niche marketing and cultural awareness. It will also take your staging to a higher level by creating spaces that “feel better”.
In this presentation you will:
• Learn key principles from several Feng Shui schools to improve design techniques & close more sales
• Gain an understanding on specific cultural “dos and taboos” so you don’t offend potential clients
• Discover how to arrange spaces to empower the occupants (which keeps them coming back for more)
• Learn about energy, or vibration, and how it affects the design and “feel” of the space
• Be taught how to integrate Feng Shui into your staging or use it as a “stand alone” business
• Learn about products to carry or alternative services to offer for additional revenues
Included in this presentation will be specifics about the role colors and symbolism have both culturally and energetically. You’ll learn how to create balance using Yin/Yang theory.
Three Testimonials
“I’ve attended many talks on Feng Shui that were very confusing. Linda clarified it.”
“She makes it sound like common sense.”
“Linda puts the information into a form I can understand. She gave me the tools and laid the foundation so I can build my dream life.”
Linda Lenore is a Feng Shui Master, Certified Green Building Professional, and Vital Office/Vital Home Consultant – the only individual to hold all these credentials in North America. Linda is one of the first individuals in California to become a Certified Green Real Estate Professional. She’s known for creating corporate and home environments that both stimulate success and soothe the soul as exemplified by her clients, which include Adobe Systems, The Ritz-Carlton Resort at Half Moon Bay, TiVo and major media personalities. Linda was selected as an American Society of Interior Designers 2008 Distinguished Speaker, has been a University of California faculty member, and has appeared on CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC. Discovering her home was contributing to many of her severe illnesses, Linda personally remodeled her home using green and sustainable building products, going through the process of learning and evaluating each item used in the once-small-turned-extensive-remodel. Linda’s segment on the Hallmark Channel’s morning program, “Building Your Emotional Home” received high praise for her and the program. To receive her “Nine Tips to Build Your Emotional Home” go to her website: Green Chi Designs Both her Hallmark Channel segment and her Lifetime Media appearance have inspired audiences through design, ancient wisdoms and stories.
Linda Lenore
P.O. Box 7656
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Tel: (650) 368-5532
Email: Linda@GreenChiDesigns.com
Web: Green Chi Designs
1 RESA Cover
2 Armchair B & W
2 Armchair color
4 & 5 Handout Element’s cycle
6 Aromatherapy
7 Numerology, Animal & Plant Symboism
8 Inner Balance Tips
9 RESA Speaker Platform