Lori Kim Polk is owner and lead designer for Premiere Home Staging located in Roseville, California. She is internationally recognized as a home staging expert and a home staging coach. Drawing from her background in art, as well as her experience and training in home staging, Lori has successfully staged hundreds of area homes for realtors, investors, builders, and homeowners throughout the Sacramento and Roseville areas since 2005.
Lori Kim Polk is a home staging industry leader and has worked tirelessly to advance the concept of staging as a viable industry in California and the United States.
Lori is an active member of the Real Estate Staging Association and presently the RESA Membership Chairman. She works with SAR and HSR online classes to allow stagers, who need field experience for their certifications in Northern California, to gain additional experience with expert, hands-on staging in the real world. Lori is an active blogger and an Ambassador for the ActiveRain Real Estate Network.
Lori Kim, as her friends affectionately call her, has lived in the Roseville, Granite Bay area for over 45 years. Her sharing and giving spirit is evident through her blogs, her job shadowing program for beginning stagers, and social networking. She has been instrumental in the promotion of several new concepts for the staging industry including the Real Estate Staging Association, StagersList.com, and education through Staging Expos.
Connect with Lori on:
Activerain: Lori Kim Polk
Linkedin: Lori Kim Polk
Facebook: Lori Kim Polk
Twitter: @Lorikim
Company Website:
Premiere Home Staging
Contact Directly:
Email: Lori@premierehomestagingllc.com Telephone: (916) 300-0402